
List of seminars in Ile-de-France: March-April 2023

Please consult the online calendar, as cancelations can occur!

4 April 2023, 15:00

Turbulence in the atmosphere of Mars and Titan
Aymeric Spiga (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Sorbonne Université)
IPGP Planetary and Space Sciences, Bâtiment Lamarck B, 35 rue Hélène Brion, Paris

Mars and Titan have both vastly distinct environments from the Earth’s, yet they exhibit atmospheric turbulent phenomena akin to the ones we experience at the surface of our planet. What is particularly interesting on Mars and Titan is that turbulence is somewhat a distant exotic cousin of Earth’s atmospheric turbulence, with many different aspects that allows for a rich comparative study. This study can be placed in a context of planetary exploration and multi-disciplinary planetary science.

Connection details
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 876 7331 0489
Passcode: 856642

In-person directions
The IPGP Planetary and Space Sciences seminar series is held in the building Lamarck B that is part of the Université Paris Cité - Campus des Grands Moulins near the BnF (Bibliothèque Nationale de France). You do not need a badge to enter this building. You only need to go to 35 rue Hélène Brion, and once in the lobby of the main entrance, take the elevators on the right to the 5th floor. Exit the elevator and take the corridor to the right. The seminar room is number 522.